CI Pl Singapore. Re-Designated 8 Int & Sy Coy in 1967

Located on Ayer Rajah Road and moved to Rowcroft Barracks in 1967.

W Stevenson (1958-61)

WO2 Browne (1961)
Cpl Buls (1961)
Cpl Beesley (1961)
Cpl Atkinson (1961) NS
Cpl Buttrose (1961) NS
Sgt Bray (1961)
Pete Stone (1961-64)
Ivan 'Span' Spanholtz (1961-64)
Kieth Stevens (1961-62)
A C Buckles (1961-62)
Ralph Smith (1961-64)
Jeff Burkin (1962-64)
Mike Spence (1962-64)
R W Bacon (1962)
Dave Webster (1961-62)
Ian Madgewick (1962)
G R Archer (1961-62) NS
M A Lawrence (1962) NS
Pete Oliver (1961-62)
J A G Bigham (1961-62)
Bob Varker (1962)
B R Francis (1962)
F J Maddock (161-62)
D Northam (1962)
SSgt Bill Westwood (1962-64)
Ken Bell (1962-65)
Sammy Parr (1963)
Eric Hollis (1964)

Ken Taylor (1963-64)
George Munro (1964-65)
Lou Lawson (1964)
Barry Rogan (1963-64)
Gordon Ross (1964)
Bob Cox (1964)
Tom Woods (1964-66)
Steve Sage (1964-66)
Ray Feather (1964-65)
Algie Thomas (1964)
Pte Steve Barrett (1963-64)
Geordie Price (1964)
Mick Rentall (1963-64)
Cpl Graham Tuberville (1964)
Capt Geoff O'Neill (1964-65)
Sgt Abdul Aziz  (1964)                  
Sgt Jacob
Mr Langford (IO2) (1964) 
Sgt Mohammad Don                   
Sgt Idris                                    
Mr Teo Yeow-lam (AKA Albert Teo)
Mr Lai Swee-Chong?
Sgt Ralph Smith (1964-65)
Dave Hollinshead (1964-65)
Dave Wakelam (1966-67)
G L D Jenkins (1966-68)
John McMullen (1966)
Max Arden (1966)
Bob Findlayson (1966)

John Barry (1966)

A Wilson (1966)

Dave Hickman (1966)
C Spencer (1966)
W Barnes (1966)
Andy Peck (1966)
WO2 Robertson (1966-69)
John Barnes (1966-68)
Ken Smith (1966-68)
Chris Everett (1967)
Tom Watson
Brian Fozard (1967-68)
Tony Barnes (1967-68)
Mick Conway (1967-68)
Noddy Jones (1967-68)
Mike Walker (1967-68)
Mac Bryan (1968-70)
Simon Lelfevre (1969-70)
LCpl John Mole (1968-70)
Ken Rutter (1968)
Rory Walker (1968)
LCpl Foster 91968)
Cpl Thain (1968)
Dougie Hills (1968)
Tony Byrne (1968)

John Pepino (1968)
Mike Liley (1968-70)
Pete Pugh  (1966-69)
Jim Rousell (1968-70)
Dave Peaks (1968-69)
LCpl Greenwood (1969)
Brian Ashcroft (1969-71)
Bob McCrindle (1969)
Cpl Byrne (1969)
Robin Eccles (1968-69)
WO2 Hughes (1969)
Steve Whitney (1969-71)
Chris Beardshaw (1969)
Rod Harris (1969)
Mick French (1969)
Pete Palmer (1969)
Dave Ovens (1969)
Sgt Roger Wong
Willie Lawson (1969)
LCpl Cave (1969)
Trevor Luttrell (1969-70)
Tony McGinty [Aust Int Corps] (1969-70)
Malcolm Bryan (1970)
Mike Ogglesby (1970)
Dick Shepherd (1970-71)
Dave Radford (1970-71)
Simon Sharp (1970-71)
Jamie Babington-Smith (1970-71)
Tony Marsan (1970-71)
Tom Nutt (1970-71)
Bruce Creighton 91970-71)
Gerry Caulfield (1970-71)
Steve Bates (1970-71)
Dave Gordon (1970-71)
Paul 'Rocky' Weston (1970-71)
Dave Rippon 91970-71)
SSgt Dave (?) Foster (1970-71)

Johore Bahru Det

Orginally based in a town house at 62b Jalan Yahya Awal. In 1969 it moved to 2 Jalan Ru to be nearer the Garrison.

LCpl Pat Czyzun (1963-65)
Cpl Peacock (1964)
Dave Wakelam (1966)
Tony Barnes (1966-67)
Ray Feather (1965)
LCpl Dave Hollinshead (1965)
Pete Bingham (1967)
Geoff Cave (1967)
Duncan Giddings (1967)
Brian Fozard (1967-68)
Bob Mobbs (1967)
Willie Lawson (1968-70)
Ken Cooke (1969-70)
Eric Hollis (1971)
Dave Rippon (1971)
Eric Fitzsimonds (1968-69)
Sgt Yacob bin Omar
Gavin Greenwood (1969-70)