( Seremban 1967 ) L-R : Dave Williams, Bob Thomas, Alfie Knought, Dave Chown, Jim Jackson, 'Pommie' Grant.
( At the Jackson’s in Seremban 1966 ) L-R : Paul Brogden, Barry Fleming, Jane Jackson, Pete Jackson.
( Beach BBQ Malacca 1967 ) STANDING L-R : Ron (Aust RAOC Clk), Paul Brogden, Ron's wife, Ian 'Nookie' Parr, 'Noddy' Jones, Dave Chown. CROUCHING L-R : Barry Fleming, Mick Jordan.
( CI Pl Singapore Mess 1964 ) L-R : SSgt Gordon Ross, Mr Sandy Plackett, SSgt Tom Woods, WO2 George Munro, Insp ‘Rajah’ ADP.
( CSE show in Seremban 1969 ) Nik Collett with his new best mate Acker Bilk.
( JB Det dinner with JB RMP c. 1970 ) Centre far side of the table are Willie Lawson and to his left is Gavin Greenwood. Seated with his back to camera is Ken Cooke.
( Cameron Highlands NAAFI Bar 1968 ) L-R : Geoff Downing, Nik Collett, Bob Thomas, Jane SNU (Daughter of CO Cameron Highlands), Doug Langham.
( Raffles Hotel Singapore 1965 ) L-R : ??, Rene Dee, Mike Courage, ?? Dave Mackney.
( Some of 22 Int Pl OTP Malacca 1966 ) L-R : Ian 'Nookie' Parr, Lionel Toppin (RE), Barry Fleming, Harry Pinchard, Brian Jenkins, 'Blue' an Aussie 'temp att' for the evening.
( The 'Brit’ Club 1966 ) L-R : Mick Roberts, 'Dinger' Bell (RASC), 'Jock' Davidson (RAOC), Dave Wakelam, Dave Mackney, Mick Jordan,'Scouse' Roberts.
( The Newly Weds ) L-R : Mike & Cheryl French with Dave & Maureen Mackney in Pasir Panjang.
('Ghostriders’ Terendak Camp 1968 ) Starring Nik Collett as the cool front man.
(Dave Mackney's Wedding in Singapore 1967) L-R: Alan 'Jake' Jacobs, Pete Pugh (Best Man), JJ Davis RA (MIO in ISD), Maureen Mackney, Dave Mackney, Tony McGlenaghan, Kieth SNU RE, Mrs Duff, Dave Duff
(Listening to the Best Man's Speech) L-R: Dave Mackney, Dave Wakelam (with sly aside), Jeff Downing, Alan 'Jake' Jacobs
(Toasting the Bride & Groom) L-R: Alan 'Jake' Jacobs, Pete Pugh (Best Man), Tony McGlenaghan, Kieth SNU (RE), Maureen Mackney
(Post Toast Chat) L-R: Dave Wakelam, John Barnes, Dave Mackney, Pete Pugh (Best Man)
( Smoke break at Gp HQ - Singapore 1970 ) FOREGROUND L-R : Mac Bryan, Sgt Bob McCrindle, Cpl Gavin Greenwood. BACKGOUND L-R : SSgt Tony McGinty (Aust Int Corps), Cpl Jamie Smith.
( HQ 2 Int Coy General Office, Labuan ) Ron Grey and his dog 'Shit'.
'Jack' Cartwright, FIO Long Banga Jack having been presented with 3 baby pythons by local Penan tribe.
Jack Cartwright FIO in Long Banga enjoying the disco. 1966
This photo of Dave Hollinshead, FIO at Ba Kelalan, was taken by OC C Company 1/2 GR. The Indonesian border is over the ridge line in the background.
( CI Pl Singapore Mess 1964 ) L-R : Mrs Plackett, Fnu Snu, Mrs Niro Munro, Mrs Sosie Woods and the typist lady.
Taken 1965 in the jungle near the Katibas river, 3rd Div Sarawak. The person standing next to me was a suspected CT who SB wanted a good photo of him.
( Enemy Forces 1969 ) L-R : Mike French, Colin Parr, Tony Shilcock, Dave Pearcy.
FIO Ba-Kelalan after an Op CLARET mission 1965. Dave Hollinshead (L), with two gunners from 38 Bty RA, and RAMC medic.
( Ba-Kelalan 1966) Dave Hollinshead FIO in the front with all the local Border Scouts, handing over to Paul Brogden at rear.
Never knew you could get seasick on the Brunei River.
Mick Roberts FIO Padaan chatting (or watching the World Cup Final ?) with the locals at Kampong Sadir in 1966.
FIO Bario, Paul Devoti, and a patrol from 2/6 GR visiting some local Kelabits 1965.
( Johore Bahru 1968/69 ) L-R : 'Fitz' and Willie Lawson.
With shorts that conquered the empire, Gerry Caulfield shows Tony Shilcock how it should be done. LCpl Tony Simpson (RE) appreciates Gerry's contribution.
( Day trip from S'Pore to Malaya 1970 ) SEATED : Heather Caulfield, Jerry Caulfield, Cheryl French. BACKGROUND : John Pepino (seated) and Brian Ashcroft (standing).
( 3 Cdo Bde somewhere in Malaya) L-R : Dave Pearcy, Mike Walker, Cpl Tony Luckens RM, Sgt Mike Wilkes RM.
( The Dawn Watchers' Way ) L-R : Brian Jenkins, Bert Lewer, John Barnes, Tang Seng Bee (JCLO), Barry Fleming.
( The Jacobs, McClenaghan, Mackney flat on Holland Park Rd 1966 ) When the three of us applied to live out the system at first refused permission, but they later had to admit there were no regulations to stop us. They then attempted to stop us by claiming that Holland Park Rd was an unsavoury area. They finally relented when it was pointed out the Padre lived in the same block. L-R : Tony McClenaghan, Alan 'Jake' Jacobs.
( Jason’s Bay, Singapore 1970 ) L-R : Sandy Lawson, Daphne Luttrell, Mick French and Brian Ashcroft enjoying a post Banyan stroll.
( Beauty a.k.a. ‘Boot’, Singapore 1969 ) The 8 Coy dog at Ayer Rajah Road. They tried on a couple of occasions to get her a companion; but all she ever did was to repeatedly lead them out into the middle of the road until they were run over!
( We see no ships ) L-R : Keith Cakebread & Dave Mackney 1960s.
Barry Fleming and Harry Pinchard dressed informally.
Rene 'Acker' Dee and Mike Courage on Singapore Waterfront 1965/66.
( Raffles Hotel 1965 ) L-R: Mike Courage, Rene 'Acker' Dee, Dave Kitchin, Trevor Knight.
(Singapore 1965) Dave Mackney & Arthur Huntbach at HQ Int Corps (FE)
( 22 Int Pl 1965 ) STANDING L-R : Tan Thiam (JCLO), Geoff Wightman, Barry Fleming, Tom Moore, Pete Barrett Larry Tan (JCLO), Chan Tian Peng (JCLO). SEATED L-R : Geoff Burden, Capt D S Dawson (Aust Int Corps), Lt Nigel Champion, Tony Brittain, Graham Broomfield.
( 22 Int Pl 1966 ) REAR ROW L-R : Ng Yoke Khoon, Ian Parr, Lionel Toppin (RE), Paul Brogden, Barry Fleming, Harry Pinchard, Tan Huck Seen. CENTRE ROW L-R : Wong Ju Chiew, Tan Seng Bee, Khoo Beng Siew, Tan Ee Thiam, Foo Chee Jang, Tam Tiam Peng, Larry Tan. SEATED L-R : Bernie McQuire, John Clarke, Tim Wood, Nigel Champion, Geoff Burden, Graham Broomfield, Brian Jenkins.
( 3 Cdo Bde Int Pl Singapore 1965 ) STANDING L-R : 'Acker' Dee, Dave KItchin. SEATED L-R : Trevor Knight Ssgt Harry Jackson, Lt Tantum, Mike Courage, Tony Shilcock.
( 9 Sy Coy Seremban 1968 ) REAR ROW L-R : Darryl Peake, Brian Utley, Steve Brookes, ??, Monty Raison, Andy Copeland, 'Jock' Cathcart. CENTRE ROW L-R : Geoff Burkin, 'Jock' Cassidy, Barry Houldin, ??, Ian Bushell, Trevor Holland, Eric Hollis. SEATED L-R : Geoff Jubb, Dave Robinson, Chris Dixon, Harry Ball, Company Typist, Bob Boothman, Sam Coombs.
Retirement Presentation to Abdullah - Penang 1969. Abdullah (LEC), Bob Boothman (Incoming Det Comd), David Robinson (Outgoing Det Comd).
( CI Coy Singapore 1961 ) STANDING L-R : Ian Madgewick, Cpl Archer, Cpl Spence, Cpl Francis, Sgt Smith, Sgt Azzi, Sgt Bacon, Dave Webster. SEATED L-R : Sgt Mohammed Don, Pete Oliver, SSgt Bigham, WO2 Buckles, Keith Stevens, SSgt Maddock, Bob Varker, Ivan Spanholz, Sgt Idris.
( 8 Int & Sy Coy Annual Inspection 1969/70 ) NEAR TO FAR : 3 Cdo Int Pl (Element). Dave Pearcy, Mike French, 'Nobby' Clarke, Dave Mackney, Dave Gordon, Tony Shilcock.
(Penang CI Det c.1969 ) L-R : Bob Boothman, Nik Collett, Barry Houldin.
( Jungle Warfare School - Oct/Nov 1969 ) REAR ROW L-R : ??, Dennis Croker, Pete Ellam, Mike French, John Pepino, Andy Copeland, Trevor Luttrell, Paul Thain, Gerry Faulks, ??.
( WOs’ & Sgts’ Mess Kuching 1966 ) REAR ROW : 2nd from left - Sgt John Nash, 3rd from left - Sgt Mick Conway and 5th from left - SSgt Gordon Taylor. CENTRE ROW : 3rd from left - Sgt Tony Barnes.
( Jungle Warfare School 10 Aug - 18 Sep 70 ) 1st ROW STANDING : 6th from the right Lt Mike Walker. 2nd ROW STANDING : 1st on the left Alan 'Jake' Jacobs. : 3rd ROW STANDING : 7th from the left Bob Saunders.
( CI Sect, 8 Int & Sy Coy, Singapore circa 1969/70 ) L-R : Mac Bryan, Steve Whitney, Simon Sharp, Jim Rousell, Tony McGinty (Aust Int Corps), Jamie Babington-Smith, Mike Ogglesby, Tony Marsan(?), Dave Gordon, Trevor Luttrell.
( 9 Int & Sy Coy Christmas Party 1968 ) L-R : Mrs Rayson, Monty Rayson, Corrina Ng (Nik Collett's then g/f).
( 1965 )
( 1965 )
( 1968 )
( 1967 )
( Corps Day Singapore 1969 ) L-R : Geoff Cave, Paul Thain, Mick French, Willie Lawson, Dave Peaks, Rod Harris,??
( Corps Day Singapore 1969 ) L-R : Paul Thain, Mike French, Rod Harris, Dave Peaks, Willie Lawson. NOTE : See 'Corps Day Singapore 1969' in SDWS Tales.
( Post Singapore Corps Day celebrations on Bugis St, 1969 ) L-R : Dave Peaks, Brian Unsworth, Keith Stanton (standing), Jackie Arbuckle, Eric Fitzsimons, Dave Ovens. NOTE : See 'Corps Day Singapore 1969' in SDWS Tales.
( Corps Day 1966 at the Imperial Rooms, Malacca ) L-R : Mrs L'Espagniol, Jack L'Espagniol (Aust Int), Keith Stevens, Mrs Stevens, Robert Langstaff, Mrs Champion, Nigel Champion.
( Ready for Corps Day Seremban 1965 ) REAR L-R : Ray Collins, Ken Bell, John Rice, Tim Wood. FRONT L-R : Caterina Bell, Thea Antcliffe, Mrs Collins.
( Corps Day Seremban 1965 ) L-R : Alan 'Jake' Jacobs, Mrs 'Chips' Woodhouse, John Rice, Mrs Thea Antcliffe.
( Corps Day Seremban 1965 ) FORGROUND L-R : Mrs Ken Bell, Mr Foo (CPIO), ??, Ken Bell. BACKGROUND L-R : are Alan 'Jake' Jacobs, John Rice, Dave Wakelam.
( Corps Day Seremban 1965 ) FOREGROUND : Mrs Pete Stone and Wes MacMurphy. BACKGROUND : Ken Cooke.
( Corps Day Seremban 1965 ) L-R : Ken Bell, Wes MacMurphy, May MacMurphy, SSgt Pete Stone, ??, ??, Jim Gosney.
( Corps Day Seremban 1965 ) FOREGROUND : Mrs Ray Collins and Paul Devotti. BACKGROUND L-R : Jim Gosney, Ken Bell, Alan 'Jake' Jacobs.
( Corps Day Seremban 1965 ) Dave 'Travolta' Wakelam.
( Corps Day Seremban 1965 ) Caterina Bell and Ken Cooke.
( Corps Day Seremban 1965 ) L-R : Mrs Collins, Mrs Woodhouse, Liz Cooke, Caterina Bell.
( Corps Day Seremban 1965 ) Dave Wakelam and Liz (Shall I punch him Ken?) Cooke.
( Corps Day Seremban 1965 ) L-R : Ken Bell, Jim Gosney and Ray Collins.
( 1965 )
Raffles Hotel, Singapore 1960s.
The Route Hotel at RAF Lyneham, UK. Used for overnight accomodation prior to early morning flights.
On the way to Nee Soon Transit Camp 1960s.
Nee Soon Transit Camp Singapore 1965.
Singapore 1964.
Singapore 1969. On the left Raffles Hotel and on the right The ‘Brit’ Club.
HQ 2 Int Coy and ORs accn, Labuan. OC 2 Int Coy lived in an adjacent bungalow.
Kai Tai on Bugis Street 1969. The Kai Tai's were amusing as they were mostly paid by the shopkeepers to help us buy them drinks and increase the trade for them. Tourists would get photos of the Kai Tai's and the Kai Tai's would ask for a tip. Many of the Kai Tai's were on drugs, you could tell by the drawl in their voices and the lethargic way they walked. Some were very beautiful and the unwary/drunk were often taken in by their appearance.
Dance of the Flaming Arseholes - Bugis Street in the 60s was made up of two streets that resembled a T-junction. In the middle of the junction was a toilet block. The place stank to high heaven. When you used the urinals it went straight out onto the floor. You had no choice but to walk in the urine. The stench of ammonia was unbelievable. If you wanted a crap, well that was even worse. You would have to put up one hand against the door to stop any Kai Tai's fom coming in while the other hand was over your nose to stop the smell of the crap already filling the bowl. If you were smart you had your own paper, if not, well . . . ! The roof of the toilet block was a favourite place for Aussie and Kiwi sailors to perform their ritual 'Dance of the Flaming Arseholes'.
Kai Tais at the toilet block on Bugis Street 1969.
Bugis Street, Singapore in the day time in the mid 1960s.
JB Det and Willie Lawson 1968/69.
RNAS Sembawang & HMS Simbang 1970. HMS Simbang, HQ 3 Cdo Bde is in the foreground at the Y junction.
HMS Simbang, HQ 3 Cdo Bde in the mid 1960s.
Zam Zam's at the corner of Arab Street and North Bridge Road was the home of the best "murtabak" in Singapore.
CI Pl (Malaya) Rasah Camp, Seremban 1964.
Change Alley, Singapore 1960s.
( Mt. Ophir 4,187’ - 1969 ) STANDING L-R : Geoff Downing, Harry Dunn, Daryl Peeke, Dave Mackney. SEATED L-R : Bob Gould, Tony Gregory, Tony Byrne. "Some of us got to the top but some of us didn’t. Well, Lord Hunt didn’t get to the top of Mount Everest, did he? If the truth be told we underestimated the problem and over- estimated our own stamina and fitness, but better to have tried and lost, etc”.
( CI Pl Malaya v SB c.1965 ) Submitted by Keith Bell, son of Ken Bell, who is 4th from left on the back row.
( Deploying to Banladesh ) L-R : Tony Shilcock, Dave Pearcy, Colin Parr. Photo taken at Sembawang in 1969 when we were about to board HMS Fearless and HMS Bulwark to deploy to Bangladesh to help in flood relief.
( Trevor & Daphne Luttrells Wedding Reception, Singapore 4 Jul 69 ) FOREGROUND L-R : Willie Lawson, Fred Philpot, Rod Harris Also present (somewhere) is Dave Peaks.
( 1969 )
( Combat Survival Training 1962. ) During the Combat Survival Courses held at the Jungle Warfare School in September and October, HQ Int Corps (FE) was responsible for providing a Resistance to Interrogation phase. Twenty Intelligence Corps Officers and SNCOs, from throughout the Far East, were brought together as interrogators. L-R : Maj Norman Dunkley, ??, Sgt Graham, Ivan Spanholz, Capt Alan Whipp, ??, Sgt Croft. Sgt Ross, ??, ??, POW.
( Singapore to England 1970 ) L-R : Jim Rousell, 'Malc' Bryan, 'Rod' Harris.
Duckhams Oil Quest Magazine - Setember 1970.
( Corps Day Ashford 1970 ) L-R : Rod Harris, Jim Rousell and Malc Bryan on their arrival in Templer Barracks, Ashford having driven back from Singapore in seven weeks.
( Singapore Curfew Pass ) Issued during the riots of 1964.
( Ex BERSATU PADU [Perfect Unity] 1969/70 ) Mike French of 3 Cdo Int Pl testing his nonexistent Malay with the enemy forces north of Dungan.
( Ex BERSATU PADU Pass ) Note: Undated, and he's been using it ever since!
( Phil Llewelyn's 21st Birthday, Singapore 1965 ) L-R : Phil Llewellyn, Tony McClenaghan, Maureen Mackney, Dave Mackney, Alan 'Jake' Jacobs, Pete Pugh.